Lufthansa Flight #LH456 Executes Go-Around at LAX

April 25, 2024: An incident involving a Lufthansa Boeing 747-8 cargo aircraft, designated flight #LH456, occurred on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024, at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The aircraft departed Frankfurt, Germany, on a scheduled 13-hour flight earlier that day and experienced a rough landing attempt on runway 24R.
Lufthansa has not disclosed the nature of the rough landing. However, footage captured by Airline Videos Live, an aviation enthusiast channel on YouTube, clearly depicts the Boeing 747-8 making a hard touchdown followed by a significant bounce upon initial contact with the runway.
In response to this event, the pilots opted for a go-around maneuver, a standard aviation procedure whereby a landing attempt is aborted due to safety concerns. The go-around ensured the safety of the aircraft, its crew, and any potential ground personnel.
Lufthansa flight #LH456 circled back for a successful second landing on the same runway approximately 15 minutes later. There are no reports of injuries or damage to the aircraft.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are standard protocols likely to investigate this incident. Their investigation will aim to determine the cause of the rough landing and ensure the continued safety of future operations.
This event serves as a reminder of pilot judgment’s critical role in ensuring safe air travel. The crew’s decision to execute a go-around prioritized safety above completing the initial landing attempt.