Major Flooding at Detroit Metro Airport, McNamara Terminal Inaccessible.

August 24, 2023: Heavy rain overnight caused significant flooding at Detroit Metro Airport, leaving the McNamara Terminal inaccessible and stranding travelers.
A combination of heavy rain and storm runoff caused the flooding. According to the National Weather Service, three inches of rain fell on the airport over about five hours.
The flooding caused water to back up in the Dingell Drive tunnels, which provide access to the McNamara Terminal. The tunnels were closed to traffic, and the McNamara Terminal was evacuated.
Travelers scheduled to depart from the McNamara Terminal were diverted to the North Terminal. The North Terminal was not affected by the flooding.
The airport said it is working to clear the flooding and reopen the McNamara Terminal. However, it needs to be made clear when the terminal will reopen.
In the meantime, travelers scheduled to depart from the McNamara Terminal are advised to check the airport’s website for the latest updates.
Actionable Takeaways:
- If you are traveling to Detroit Metro Airport, check the airport’s website for the latest updates on the flooding.
- If your flight is scheduled to depart from the McNamara Terminal, you may be diverted to the North Terminal.
- If you are stranded at the airport, contact your airline for assistance.
Here are some tips for staying safe during a flood:
- Stay informed about the latest weather conditions.
- If you live in a flood-prone area, have a plan in place.
- If you are caught in a flood, move to higher ground.
- Do not drive through flooded areas.
- If you must walk through flooded areas, wear boots and avoid contact with the water.
- Flooding can be dangerous, but by taking precautions, you can stay safe.