Pride Month 2023: A Closer Look at Changing Attitudes

June 23, 2023: Pride Month 2023 is unfolding with a distinctive tone, catching the attention of many. Americans from diverse backgrounds increasingly express dissatisfaction, indicating a shift in societal values. This shift was anticipated by some, who believed that the success of the gay rights movement could eventually lead to unintended consequences.
In a 2015 reflection on the state of affairs, I highlighted the notion of “pushback” as a critical trend. As victims of past bullying now engage in similar behavior, a growing backlash emerges. With each legal and societal victory for gay activists, their objectives become more extreme, inadvertently working against their cause.
The evidence has been clear for some time: can a caring and rational society truly tolerate stories like the one involving a California woman who sued doctors for removing her breasts at thirteen, influenced by online personalities claiming to be transgender?
As we find ourselves in 2023, even secular platforms are addressing the growing opposition to what is perceived as excessive expressions of gender fluidity. Articles like the one published on The New Republic website proclaim a surge in ultra-conservative resistance against companies endorsing equal rights. Another headline asks whether this year marks a significant turning point in LGBTQ+ rights, framed in a pro-LGBTQ+ perspective. The term “pushback” is frequently employed, underscoring the rise of righteous opposition.
While it is true that some individuals involved in this pushback harbor mean-spirited or hateful views, it is crucial to denounce and admonish such behavior. Most of those engaged in this movement are motivated by love—for God and their fellow citizens. They genuinely believe that course correction is necessary for the betterment of society.
Several articles have focused on the remarkable findings of a recent Gallup poll, which reveals a sharp increase in conservatism across America in the past two years. While only 10% of Democrats identify as conservative or very conservative, Independents have seen a rise from 24% to 29%, and Republicans from 60% to 74%. Consequently, the percentage of liberal or very liberal Independents has declined from 27% to 23% over the same period.
Analyzing the data by age group, Gallup reports a double-digit increase in conservative social ideology among middle-aged adults (ages 30-64) since 2021. Older Americans’ views on social issues have remained steady, while young adults exhibit a modest increase in conservative social ideology.
Even though the rise among young adults may be considered modest, it is still noteworthy, with the percentage of 18–29 year-olds identifying as conservative or very conservative climbing from 24% to 30% in just two years. The shift is even more dramatic among those aged 30-49, surging from 22% to 35% within the same period. These changes carry significant implications.
Regarding views on same-sex relationships, Gallup notes a decline from last year’s record-high moral acceptance rating of 71% among U.S. adults to 64% this year, returning to a level last observed in 2019. Will this number continue to decrease?
As more states pass legislation to safeguard gender-questioning children from irreversible medical interventions, the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest LGBTQ+ activist organization, has declared a national state of emergency for the first time in its 40-year history.
I am fully aware that the LGBTQ+ community, upon reading this article, may feel saddened, angered, or shocked by its contents. They may also view my perspective as hateful, an unapologetic display of homophobia and transphobia resulting from rigid religious beliefs.
I acknowledge these reactions and understand the fear that this analysis might undermine progress over the past five decades.