TOGC 2024: The Roles Of Pipelines In Energy Transition

January 16, 2024: During TOGC 2024, in frames of the executive opening panel dedicated to the role of pipelines in energy transition, speakers are going to present projects on new markets, discuss sustainability goals, as well as pipelines and alternative fuels. Oil and gas majors, EPCs and pipeline operators gather at Transportation Oil and Gas Congress 2024, which is held in Milan, Italy, on February, 19-20.
The whole world is moving towards a low-carbon future. The pipeline industry is no different. The transition to a low-carbon energy future raises tough questions for the industry about its environmental impacts and measures to mitigate them. LNG, H2, ammonia, and biofuels have been widely discussed for several years as the alternatives for oil and gas, and some companies are discussing either blending, or complete transformation of existing pipeline networks. This is why the executive opening panel of TOGC 2024 welcomes top management of the oil and gas majors, pipeline operators, service providers to share their companies’ policy on reaching sustainability goals with the means of pipelines.
Executive opening panel, dedicated to the role of pipelines in energy transition, is one of the highlights of TOGC 2024. This is a show type session based on discussion between panellists, where speakers go one by one, after that panellists have a discussion on the stage. Speaking about transportation of alternative fuels, even as the energy market is shifting towards decarbonisation to meet global net-zero goals, pipelines will still have a vital role in the industry.
Among the speakers of the panel is George Satlas, Executive Officer at ICGB AD, who is going to talk about the ICGB role in the gas transportation market for Eastern Europe. The company created the gas interconnector Greece – Bulgaria project, which is recognized as a leading project for the CESEC initiative and has excellent synergy with other major projects like TAP and TANAP. The project is a game-changer for the Bulgarian energy market with its ability to increase competition and decrease the prices for consumers while securing diversified gas deliveries.
The roles of pipelines in energy transition and other topics related to the transportation oil and gas industry are going to be discussed at Transportation Oil and Gas Congress 2024 in Italy. Among participants are Bonatti, Sicim, INGL, Eni, ICGB, Exolum, OGE, DESFA, Saipem, TECHINT, Wood, TÜPRAŞ, Moldovagaz.
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