360° Leadership

360° Leadership

Is the quality of your relationships (personal or professional) not at the levels you desire it to be? Are you having too many difficult conversations that sometimes escalate into drama? Do you find it challenging getting people to fulfill their roles and responsibilities? The quality of your life truly depends on the quality of your relationships. I’ve found through my years of experience and practice that “Communication” is the essence that drives healthy and productive relationships.We all yearn to create strong bonds … our “Connection” brings meaning to relationships. Many of my sessions involve Workplace Conflict Resolution, Managing Up, Communication Style Conflicts, Work Style Differences — all pertaining to situations where people with pure intentions, were simply not seeing eye-to-eye.
The Myths About Leadership

The Myths About Leadership

There are several myths around leadership, and each myth presents challenges for developing new leaders, and can hinder the growth of our current leaders. These myths begin at school age, and while some teens learn to develop beyond, many do not. This may be why we don’t see more emerging leaders, or those who take on initiatives in our companies. When we learn these myths at a foundational point in our lives, we believe them to be true, and then perpetuate them further in our organizations. Myth #1: Leaders have a title. Who are the leaders in your organization? How do you know they are leaders? Usually, the easy answer is, “They have a title.” If we need a title to be a leader, then who else can be a leader? There are only a few titles to be had, but many tasks to complete.
Opportunity from Change

Opportunity from Change

We have all heard the adage ‘The only constant is change.’ Yes…how true this is. Change and progress are inevitable. They are vital. They are necessary. Many individuals and organizations resist change. We need to CHANGE the way we are looking at the experience…aka: CHANGE THE FRAME. For example, when professionals are being faced with a change in their job or position, why not CHANGE the way they look at it? It helps us to remember and realize that we are NOT defined by the job or position we hold.Often, we can get completely absorbed in our job or company. In fact, many senior executives believe their identity is the company for which they work. I ‘get’ this concept and lived it at one time in my career. Most of us can relate to this, especially as we climb the ranks in Corporate.