Driving Accelerated Results in an Increasingly Competitive Environment

Driving Accelerated Results in an Increasingly Competitive Environment

According to a recent study 1) of global CEOs by The Conference Board there are 3 themes that constantly rise to the top of their concerns in order: Recession Risk, More intense competition, Tight labor market. Every day CEOs are faced with increasing pressures of how to stay ahead, stay cost competitive and continue to innovate new products and solutions. You may ask yourself: How do I stay ahead of the pack? How do I continue to innovate? How do I reduce my costs exponentially? While these questions may seem overwhelming to you as a CEO, there are key strategies you can implement to create certainty, and a workable plan around all of these areas.
Business Leadership Master Roles

Business Leadership Master Roles

Knowing how to lead in a given situation and time frame is the defining factor for adaptable and capable modern business leaders. In my work over the last fifteen years helping thousands of passionate, hard-working CEOs, entrepreneurs and business leaders develop and implement their SLAP! (Strategic Living Action Plan), I’ve concluded that superlative business leadership consists of the following four essential Business Leadership Master Roles. Passionate Visionaries Passionate Visionaries set and clearly communicate the purpose and vision of the organization. They see the big picture of where the organization is going and its place in their specific industry and community.
Awareness, Clarity, and Alignment before Actions leading to Results.

Awareness, Clarity, and Alignment before Actions leading to Results.

Whenever my kids were facing a challenge, be it a school exam or a competition, we’d send them off with our favorite line from the movie An American Tail, about Fievel the mouse. “Release the secret weapon” we’d bellow (best said with a lazy “R”). In this animated show it was the mice against the cats, and at the show’s climax the mice turn the tide of battle by releasing the Giant Mouse of Minsk – a huge mechanical mouse that chased the cats down the pier and into the bay. This quote always brought a smile and a reminder to our kids that they were a secret weapon.As a team coach, I continually work with organizational leadership using the same mantra “Release the secret weapon.”
9 CEO Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

9 CEO Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Being a leader is the perfect way to ensure that you face your own imperfections on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Being the top leader is utterly thankless. If things go well, people assume you are lucky. If things are go poorly, it’s all your fault. So how do CEOs deal with the discomfort of knowing they are constantly being judged and found wanting? Most find ways to be right even when they’re not. And many surround themselves with people who shore up their insecurities—which is the worst possible thing they can do.It can be really addictive to be the smartest person in the room and the one with the most power.
4 things leaders need to advance their teams

4 things leaders need to advance their teams

 When I launched The Jinks Perspective as a coaching company, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to help leaders and their teams achieve 3 things to help advance their personal and organizational missions: Clarity, simplicity, and alignment. As I have coached thousands of leaders over the past two decades, I have realized that there is critical 4th element as well: Inspiration. CLARITY Leaders are competing for the very attention of the teams. Our digital worlds and ongoing media bombardments cloud workers’ view more each day. Additionally, leaders who struggle to communicate effectively are challenged by team members who underperform simply because they are not crystal clear on what the expectations are.