Creating Leadership Cultures

Creating Leadership Cultures

“Who are the great leaders?” The first time I was asked this question in a workshop on leadership, a 15-month-old popped to mind, and I found myself telling a story about a moment a couple of years ago when my wife Victoria and I were waiting in Los Angeles Airport for a flight to San Francisco. We had just been told that our flight would be delayed. As we grumped into our seats that looked across the concourse at gate 70A to wait, a family of four caught our attention on the other side. A woman with a 15-month-old on her hip stood with her husband while their two-year-old son attacked his stroller in a rage. We watched this painful scene in empathic agony for a while. Then Victoria said, “Look! A couple of your clients.”
Start your work with rest

Start your work with rest

As I write this, we’re in the midst of summer. I can't help but express my love for this time of year. Summer holds a special place in my heart. It's a time when we can finally bid farewell to winter jackets and embrace the freedom of flip flops and shorts. Baseball becomes a prominent part of our lives, and warm evenings on the deck with friends and engaging conversations become a cherished ritual. There's something about June, July, and August that makes life slow down, even if just a little bit. When the topic of summer plans arises, I eagerly share my excitement about upcoming baseball trips, hiking adventures, and, the highlight of it all, our two-week "off the grid" vacation in August.